8 Hair Care Tips For 2021

Protect your scalp

Exfoliation is very good for the scalp. It aids in the removal of dead skin cells and irritating flakes. It also increases healthy skin cell turnover. Weekly exfoliation is proven to work wonders for the hair.

Protect your hair from heat

The excessive and frequent use of hot styling tools is one of the major causes of badly damaged and conditioned hair. Additionally, extreme heat leads to dryness, frizz, and breakage.

Trim regularly

regular hair trim of every six weeks should be enough to keep your hair in good shape. If you do not have a trim in 12 weeks and over, you will begin to notice split ends, and if you have fine hair, the damage can be rapid.

Increase your protein intake

Your diet has a direct correlation to your health and, by extension, your hair. You are what you eat, literally. An unhealthy diet leads to unhealthy hair, and if you want to change the narrative, you should begin to eat healthier and fill your diet with lots of proteins.

Don’t put your hair in bondage 

If your hair is always put up with elastic at night and clips during the day, you will damage your follicles. Resort to using scarves, soft cloths, and fabric elastics instead when putting up your hair at night. This will significantly decrease breakage.

Onion juice treatment

Onions are very good when it comes to nourishing hair follicles. Onion juice is rich in Sulphur and reduces breakage and thinning. The powerful anti-bacterial elements prevent infections to the scalp and help restore the nutrients in your scalp.

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