4 Activities That Can Help Get You Out of Your Own Head

Living in a state of chronic stress and anxiety, or dealing with perpetual negative rumination, can be devastating to your overall sense of well-being and your ability to thrive in life.

Here are a number of activities that may help you to get out of your own head so that you can break the cycle of rumination and negative thinking, and get back to thriving in your life.

Movement and physical activity have a tremendous ability to help to anchor us to the present moment and get us into our bodies and out of our heads

Researchers have found that prolonged periods of time in nature do actually quiet down activity in the brain’s Default Mode Network.

Mindfulness practices are good for getting out of your head. Not only by meditating, but also by simply taking regular opportunities throughout the day to fully experience sensations of the present moment.

A “flow state” is a psychological term referring to moments of peak engagement that cause us to become completely engrossed in what we’re doing. Getting into flow states on a regular basis seems to be extremely beneficial for our sense of well-being.

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