Negative Self-Talk: Why We Fall Into The Trap

Many of us have managed to find a way to often be self-critical. As we will see, there are scientific reasons why we are drawn to talking and thinking in this way.

When we talk ourselves down, we are producing a brain chemical known as cortisol. This is a neurotransmitter that calms us down.

When someone compliments you, and you bat it away, your mind is behaving as it would in a situation of threat. By releasing cortisol at that point, our brain is telling us not to get ahead of ourselves.

The condition of imposter syndrome is an example of what happens when negative self-talk and aversion to compliments is allowed to take control of a person.

It is best to see modesty as something that you can reach for if you’re uncomfortable with effusive praise, and not as a permanent state of being. There are healthy ways to accept a compliment.

People who are only looking out for themselves will not be hobbled by the same self-doubts. So – as difficult as it may seem – it really is important to not fall into the trap of negative self-talk.

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