Ways to Include Green Tea in Your Hair and Skincare Routine

Green tea is great for your hair and skin because it’s full of antioxidants, caffeine, and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Benefits of Green Tea for Hair and Skin

1. Can help clear up acne 2. Can help hair from shedding excessively 3. Can recover sunburnt skin 4. Can help promote hair growth

5. Can help protect the skin from harsh environmental factors – like pollution 6. Can revive tired eyes 7. And so many more!

Here are some of my favorite ways to incorporate this awesome tea into my beauty routine:

I include a scoop of matcha into my weekly face mask routine. I use Make It Classy's Modest Mia Matcha Face Mask.

For a quick hair boost and to reduce shedding, I steep a cup of green tea and use it as the last step in my wash/condition routine.

To reduce the puffy eyes, I steep a cup of green tea with two bags. I let it cool and apply the bags to my eyes while I rest for a few moments. Works like a charm!

Green tea works great as a spot skin treatment. Steep a cup, dunk a cotton ball in and apply it to the area a few times a day.

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