What Does Wearing Make-up Every Day Do To Your Skin?

For some of us, applying make-up is a daily ritual. While this allows us to look our best every time we leave the house, it can have various negative effects on our skin.

Here are just some of the negative implications of wearing makeup every day.

Makeup can contribute to blackheads and pimples by clogging up pores. This is particularly the case if you have oily skin. It’s not always the make-up itself that blocks pores – makeup may simply be trapping sweat and bacteria in your pores.

Wearing makeup every day can prevent your skin from being able to breathe, trapping pollutants in your skin. These pollutants can break down collagen and elastin within the skin, leading to premature wrinkles.

Some people can develop allergies to certain ingredients within makeup. This can lead to dryness, rashes or even hives. Recurring use of makeup that causes allergies may lead to permanent scarring of the skin.

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