Winter Wellness Ideas

With winter comes some changes to our metabolism and mental health. Remember that these are sometimes out of your control and take steps to improve your winter lifestyle.

Make a joy list of activities, people, and situations that bring you inspiration and make you feel re-energized.

Having a ritual in winter, such as a chilly walk or herbal tea at night, is excellent for your mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing

It’s the perfect time to make your life cozy and enjoy the season. Decorate with candles, blankets, pillows, and soft lights while staying warm with a hot beverage.

Get serotonin from exercise instead of food then you'll crave unhealthy food much less. You can then plan a healthy winter menu full of fresh vegetables and soups.

Practicing self-compassion is always important so we can be the best version of ourselves, but in the winter it’s vitally important to be kind to ourselves and keep our spirits lively.

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