If mental health hadn’t been a priority in the past, now is not the time to ignore it. We have all been through some major changes these last few months and the fire around the world seems to grow larger in health care and social injustices.

The beginning of the year sees us fresh with motivation, but now, as we head into summer and still living through a global pandemic, most of us can start to feel a little down and out and that is totally normal given the circumstances.

Maybe you are desperate for brighter days filled with sunshine, maybe you have lapsed when it comes to a diet or fitness regime? There might be many different reasons for you not feeling your best which can include daily stress at home or in the workplace (because that looks different now too) or even financial worries. 

It is important that we all give ourselves a little space to understand and comprehend what the world has and is continuing to go through. So if we don’t feel ourselves right now then that is normal behavior.

We can make some positive changes and avoid staying in a get Ian mindset. However, feeling low and down tends to affect how we feel about ourselves. With that in mind, here are some insights on how you can start to feel good on the inside out. Let’s hope some of these suggestions help you.

Feeling sluggish?

Have you ever felt bloated and sluggish? Like you have eaten a big meal or you ate too much? Maybe you don’t feel like you have the energy levels that you would like. Finding yourself getting out of breath just by walking up the stairs. We have all been there. That sluggish feeling can stem from many different areas of our lives.

One of the obvious things to investigate would be your diet. Are you eating the right things? Of course, some people think of ways to lose weight such as weight loss surgery or trying out some extreme diet. However, often just looking at your diet and making things a little more balanced might be just what the doctor ordered.

Whether you need to take extreme action or small changes to your habits, tackling that sluggish feeling for good could increase your energy levels, help you to sleep better, and also boost your confidence. There is plenty of information online about how you can take a more balanced approach to what you eat. It might encourage you to shop differently or change a few things with your habits. 

Is your appearance getting you down?

Maybe it is your appearance that is stepping you feeling your best. During lockdown you may have embraced sweet treats more often, hence feeling sluggish. I know I did.

It might be that things like an increased alcohol consumption has affected things like your skin. You may have had a break out in spots and wondering what to do about them. Whether you have sat there wondering is pimple popping safe or whether you have wanted to make some big changes to your appearance you can make some positive steps to feel better.

A skincare routine, exercise, a new diet, a rethink of your career and how you spend your time. These can all have a positive effect on your appearance and your confidence levels. If your new mandate face mask is causing breakouts, here’s my suggestion.

Have you got a negative mindset?

Your mind is such a powerful tool, and many of us can really take it for granted. Negativity can be something that breeds in your mind, especially if things aren’t going your way. It can be quite difficult to overcome those thoughts where you feel sad or disheartened. However, trying to turn those negative thoughts into something more positive will definitely do more good than harm to your mindset and general wellbeing.

It may feel like hard work at first, or certainly something that feels forced. But like anything habits need to be broken and habits need to be created. It can take time. Your mindset can also be worked on through meditation and exercise like yoga. Generally exercise is also hailed as a benefit for mental health, so perhaps reigniting your love for exercise, going out for a walk or a run, could be just the thing you need to start feeling good again. 

What really bugs you when it comes to confidence?

Finally, there will always be something that is causing you to lack some confidence. Maybe it is issues with how you look, for example, having breakouts of acne or skin problems. We have already entwined how you can make some positive changes to this.

Maybe it’s a mental thing, where you don’t feel good enough in your job or at home. Lockdown may have made you realize that the job that you have might not have given you as much joy or motivation as you thought. Try and take some time to work out what is causing you to feel a sudden lack of confidence and then figure out what could help.

Now is the perfect opportunity for a lifestyle change. Your skin could be improved by drinking more water, trying a new product or cutting certain foods out of your diet. Your work issues could be resolved by communicating with your line manager, or getting some good feedback for a project.

It might be time to just make some changes to your life that you have been promising to do for some time. Maybe a new hobby that you want to start, a new way to spend your time and feel better about yourself. Don’t be afraid of it, use it to do good and feel better. 

The one thing to remember is that we have all been through a very tough time. You may have had to work from home, homeschool children, you may have had to isolate from family and loved ones. Give yourself a break and work out the positive changes you can make to start to feel more like yourself again. Let’s hope some of the suggestions mentioned above can help you on the right track. 
