Starting anew at a task or habit we have absolutely zero experience in can be very nerve-wracking. This might not seem so to those already well-versed in a habit, but it’s true that most people can ultimately relate to the feeling of being a fish out of water. For instance, if you joined a local rowing club tomorrow, would you know how to properly use the oars in the water? Would you know what to wear in the boat, and how to communicate with your fellow rowers? You would eventually, but to start with, things feel a little overwhelming.

There’s no reason to let that normal sense of apprehension turn into anxiety and even fear, however. Getting involved shows that you’re taking an awesome step in the right direction, as a proactive choice to follow a healthy practice deserves some real credit.

In this post, then, we’ll discuss a few means by which you can stop feeling fearful of new exercises and training plans, instead of building that enthusiasm to fuel you properly!

Try Beginner Movements

Beginner movements can help you get started without feeling though you need to be a perfectionist to enjoy a new training approach. For instance, these excellent yoga poses for beginners take into account novice flexibility and those who may not be so secure in moving their bodies this way, perhaps for years. It might sound like some training methods require you to jump in the deep end, but that’s not true. Not even swimming for the first time in a while demands that. This can help waylay some of your fears.

Join A Local Class

It’s good to get involved with people who practice a certain skill or discipline because it enables you to feel totally normal as a novice, which you are. After all, even master martial artists had to start with a white belt. Joining a local class, then, can help you meet new people, ask stupid questions, fail a few times, and slowly get better. With the sharp eye of an instructor, you may just be able to overcome your prior anxieties and get involved. 

Just Get Through It

This might sound like a dismissive point to make, but often, feeling fear is only temporary. It might be that you’re quite overweight and are worried about what people in the gym will think of you if you go alone, having never stepped foot in one before. That said, when you get there and start working out, three things happen. 

One, you notice that people don’t care about you, as they’re much too focused on their own practice. Second, if they do notice you, you’re in a house of exercise, and so if anything they’ll respect you for making a difference. Third, working out in itself has natural anti-anxiety effects, helping you leave the session feeling comfortable as possible. 

It’s ironic how many people feel that the gym is their ‘safe space’ despite looking at their objective worst when working out and sweating. When you work out, you feel connected to yourself, and you begin not to care, as you shouldn’t. This is the power of exercise.

With this three-pronged approach, you’ll find a fantastic means of busting through that starting fear, all for the better.
