Hey Curlies,
In the hair and beauty world, especially during a ten second commercial, we are always bombarded with signs of unhealthy hair. These symptoms could be related to breakage, split ends, dry hair and itchy scalps.

I’ve compiled, from my experience, my 5 signs of healthy hair. If you know if your hair is healthy or not, you can plan styles, maybe trips to the salon and products accordingly. 

Think that you have damaged hair? Your thoughts may be wrong. 

RELATEDHow to Straighten Natural Hair Without Heat Damage | Natural Hair: 6 Signs of Damaged Hair

signs of healthy hair

Here are five signs of healthy hair:


Shrinkage after 2 weeks of mini twists

If you have curly hair this is can be a major factor in determining if your hair is healthy. Do you ever experience shrinkage? Or does your hair revert back to its curly state in warm and humid weather? If so this means that your hair’s elasticity is where it should be. Healthy curly hair snaps back in place. Even during the detangling process, that “snap” noise that you may here is your hair’s elasticity. 


Shed Hair

We lose about 50-100 hairs per day. When I say lose hair I do not mean breakage but an actual entire strand of hair. Hair from the root detaches from the scalp when its hair cycle has ended. If you happen to see one of these hairs(they have a small white bulb on the top) check the length of it. Does the length that you see match the length of hair that you have? If not, you may have breakage.


Smooth hair is a result of the cuticle layer of your hair lying flat. If your hair feels smooth and soft it could be in good shape but their are other factors such as the two above and two below. Usually when the hair’s cuticle lies flat it results in shiny hair however there is an exception. Although shiny hair is a sign of healthy hair some people do not experience the amount of shine that others may. Do not solely depend on the shine of your hair to determine if it is healthy.

Overall Healthy

Do you feel sick? Have you been sick lately or under the weather? Check your diet and determine if you are getting enough fruits, vegetables and protein. Usually the health of your hair is reflected by what do put into your body.


Split Ends

We all get split ends and single strand knots. I know, its very annoying. Take a look at your ends? Do you have lots of split ends and single strand knots? It’s okay to have a few because they are apart of the hair journey. Clip those ends off if you see these occurring often.


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