Hey Curlies,

I am feeling a lot better today and decided to actually style my hair. I’d been wearing a puff for a few days and I knew detangling would be a mess. Today I wore my hair like this:

I used Curly Hair Solutions Slip Detangler(review coming soon) and vitamin E oil to detangle. I decided on a twist and curl. Hopefully this style will last me throughout the week.

In no particular order, I just began twisting. I rarely used a comb to part and used aloe vera gel and Curly Hair Solutions Curl Keeper (review coming soon) to twist. After twisting, I used small flexi rods (red and blue) to roll the ends.

I tried to wet my hair as much as possible so that in the morning when I take everything down, lots of definition will be present.I will have photos of the results tomorrow! I was going to create this style into a video tutorial,but I still can’t speak as well due to the surgery.  If you are interested in seeing this as a video later, let me know!

See the results here!

