Hey Curlies,

I’ve been flooding your timelines with promo fliers of the International Natural Hair Meetup Day events in my city. If you aren’t sure what this is click here.

This is one of my favorite days in the natural hair community because I know that not only is my city holding an event, other cities across the world are also holding similar events dedicated to natural hair, beauty and wellness.

I had a great time at the event. Their were vendors, a panel discussion and product demos. Here are a few photos:

MC Camille Mason

Naturalistas in Nap entry table

Carmen Glenn, local author

One of my fav curlfriends luvbeinnatural on YT



Darice Rene, Founder of Naturalistas in Nap

Rochelle, Founder of Dominique’s Enterprise

The panel discussion I led turned out great! I had a wonderful time with the panelist! Have a great day Curlies!
