Hey Curlies,
Today I wore my hair in a simple twist-out. Two nights ago, I retwisted some parts using African Pride Shea Butter Miracle Silky Hair Moisturizer. Last night I just used a scarf and you can see the shrinkage.
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Thank you for making this site very interesting! Keep going! You're doing very well!
essay help
Thank you! As for the problem with your hair, you first have to determine the difference between breakage and shedding. Our hair natural sheds about 150-200 hairs per day. If you have a section that has begin to break off, their is the problem. One product that I like is the Bee Mine Juicy Moisturizing Spritz. This makes moisturizing your hair a breeze. You really just have to be gentle with your hair and play around with products.
Your hair looks great! I'm getting very discouraged with mine. My hair is shedding a lot and I haven't found that just right daily moisturizer either. Any suggestions????