Hearing loss is typically associated with older people and people who work in loud environments like construction sites and with loud music. But it can happen to anyone, and there are multiple causes of hearing loss that present in different ways.

It can be scary when you think you’re losing your hearing, but it’s important to take the right steps as soon as possible to work out why your hearing might be failing and what you can do about it. 

Talk to Your Loved Ones

Often, the first people to notice signs of hearing loss are loved ones. This is especially true with gradual hearing loss, because your brain is very good at compensating and adjusting to poor hearing. 

But if you constantly ask people to repeat themselves or if they find that they have to speak louder to be heard, they will notice and let you know. You can get a much better idea of the extent of your hearing loss by talking to your friends and family. 

Go to the Doctor

Hearing loss has multiple causes, and some types of hearing loss are temporary. However, if there’s an underlying condition like an ear infection, it’s important to get it dealt with before you have any permanent damage.

The doctor can also clear your ears of wax, which is a common cause of temporary deafness. If your hearing loss might be permanent, a doctor can narrow down the causes and recommend an audiologist. 

Protect Your Hearing

It’s never too early to start protecting your hearing, but it’s especially important if you’re already dealing with hearing loss. 

Avoid exposure to loud noises where possible and wear hearing protection if you can’t stay away from loud environments. If you like music, try to keep the music to a lower volume. You should also protect your ears when swimming, as water can lead to swimmer’s ear and infections that can cause damage over time. 

See an Audiologist

Your doctor might refer you to an audiologist, but you can also go yourself if you suspect that you’re losing your hearing. An audiologist or hearing specialist can give you a hearing test. 

A hearing test is the only way to determine the extent of your hearing loss, which allows the specialist to give you targeted advice on hearing aids as well as how to protect your hearing. 

The good news is that a hearing test is non-invasive and not too stressful. It’s even easier if you look into first hearing test preparation, so you know what to expect. 

Learn Sign Language

If your audiologist has said that you’re losing your hearing, it’s a good idea to learn sign language. This will help you to communicate with other people who have lost their hearing. 

The sooner you pick it up, the easier it will be to learn. Sign language also opens you up to another community of people, complete with a full culture and support system. 
