Hey Curlies!

I wanted to stop by and show you this super cute natural hair mohawk style I put together in less than 20 minutes! It turned out so well and I’ll definitely be doing this style again.

This past week I wore a puff , but before then I created a cute bantu knot out style.

UPDATE: Want the tutorial? Find it here.


I began by washing my hair with the Honey Baby Naturals Shampoo, then following up with their softening conditioner. I left the conditioner on and used a new tool, the Hot Head Deep Conditioning Cap (look out for this review coming soon). I deep conditioned for about 30 minutes.

After a cool rinse, I detangled and split my hair into three ponytails (yes, I styled on damp hair), securing each with a hair tie (the ones without the metal piece).

Curly mohawk on natural hair- ClassyCurlies

I then created a few two-strand twists in each ponytail using Honey Baby Naturals Honey Shea Hair Smoothie, then set the twists on flexi rods.

I let the rods stay in overnight and much of the morning before taking them out.

In the morning I untwisted and separated the curls for some volume.

RELATED | Product Review: Honey Baby Naturals | Bantu Knot Out using Honey Baby Naturals Honey Baby Naturals Pop-Up Shop Indianapolis

Before I separated the curls

Here were the results…absolutely fabulous!

Curly mohawk on natural hair- ClassyCurlies
Curly mohawk on natural hair- ClassyCurlies

Got questions on this style? Send me an email or get in touch with me on social media @ClassyCurlies.

Curly mohawk on natural hair - ClassyCurlies