Hey Curlies,

Have you ever seriously asked yourself this question? Am I a product junkie? For those of you who do not know what that is, it is a person who is obsessed with buying and trying different products.

I have to admit, when I first went natural I bought probably everything there is. Hint: this is why so many products are pictured above. Actually that is only about half of my hair products. The sad part is that I don’t use 70% of that stuff. Want to know if you are a product junkie? Also find ways to deal with it.

The Test…Am I a PJ?

  1. You constantly watch YouTube videos and read natural hair forums to find natural hair items on sale.
  2. If you find something you want to try (and you will) you suddenly drop everything you’re doing to go buy that item.
  3. If you get to the store and the product is out of stock, you are PISSED!
  4. You drive to other locations of the store you were in to see if they carry the product.
  5. That night, you dream about owning that product and what wonders it can do to your hair.
  6. You finally get a hold of the product and if you love it (like you think you would) you return back to the store the following day and buy the whole line! If you don’t like the product you still return back to the store and find something else to try.
In the end, this process can leave you not only broke, but also with tons of products falling out of your bathroom cabinet.
I need Product Junkie Anonymous….
  1. Give away or sell your gently used products to clear up the clutter.
  2. Only allow yourself a small amount of money per month to spend on hair products.
  3. If you know that you can’t handle it, keep your hands in your pockets when you go into any hair or drug store. Don’t dare go down the hair isle. 
  4. Finding out about a sale on your favorite product doesn’t mean that you NEED to buy it.   

