Millennials count as anyone born between 1981 and 1996, meaning that the millennial generation now ranges from ages 27 to 42. That’s by no means old but, even at these relatively young ages, this first tech-led generation is starting to experience some pretty specific health issues. 

If you’re a millennial starting to think about the state of your health, then there’s no need to worry. In reality, most of the health conditions currently inflicting millennials are either avoidable or treatable. 

Let’s consider what they are, and how you can deal with them as you age. 

# 1 – Mental illness

Considering that the concept of ‘self-care’ was largely born in the millennial age, it’s surprising to report that mental illness is a major issue for our generation. In fact, an estimated 40% of millennials experience some form of mental illness. Many experts believe that this mental health influx in what’s been termed as the ‘anxiety generation’ comes largely from the part tech has played in millennial lifestyles. 

Obviously, seeking professional care is the best option if you’re at all worried about your mental health. Generally speaking, however, practices like technology detoxes, and evening relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, and general socialization, can all prove effective for keeping mental health intact. 

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# 2 – Hearing loss

While we often associate hearing loss with the aging process, many millennials are starting to experience issues like tinnitus. This is because millennials are the ‘iPod generation’, and were regularly using earphones before precautions like noise restrictions came into play. Unfortunately, generational social stigmas also come into play here, with millennials less likely to seek help for hearing health because around 63% believe in a hearing aid stigma

Luckily, early signs of hearing loss like tinnitus can be halted in their tracks if you avoid listening to devices above 60% volume moving forward. Seeking professional help early on is also advisable, and shouldn’t have any stigma attached. As can be seen, when considering a retrospective on hearing aid evolution, modern hearing aids are designed with subtlety in mind. And, considering that their usage has been linked to a decreased risk of issues like dementia, millennials could benefit from getting on board. 

# 3 – Obesity

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Stagnant lifestyles and a general shift towards office jobs mean that more than 70% of millennials are overweight by the time they reach middle age. When you also consider that junk food has gained traction since millennials came of age, obesity isn’t far behind for many. 

If you’re worried about this millennial weight gain, then precautions including at least twenty minutes of daily exercise, and improvements through your diet can help a great deal. For individuals who fear their BMI pushes them into an obese category, it’s also worth seeking the help of a healthcare provider, who may identify generally treatable issues like diabetes before they escalate to an unhealthy degree. 

Millennial health complaints are only growing as our generation grows up. Taking action now is the best way to live a healthy life moving forward.  
