Hey Curlies,

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately about how I can do more for my community and how I can use my blog as a platform to better others. For this holiday season, I’ve come up with ClassyCurlies.com’s 25 Days of Giving. From Dec. 1-25, will be strictly a time of donating to local and national charities.

natural hair giving

I have come up with four organizations to donate to and following are their mission statements:

Wigs for Kids (Dec. 1-5)
“When Children lose their hair, they don’t just suffer physically. The change in their appearance can drastically undermine their self-image and sabotage their self-esteem. To help heal the pain of these struggles, Certified Cosmetic Therapist Jeffrey Paul founded Wigs for Kids, a nonprofit organization that has been serving children suffering from hair loss since 1981.”

Hear Indiana (Dec. 6-12)
“For forty years, Hear Indiana has empowered and supported families of children who are deaf or hard of hearing. We provide Hope, Education, Advocacy, and Resources to hundreds of families throughout the state of Indiana. Ninety-five percent of babies with hearing loss are born to hearing parents, and 80-90% of these families are choosing to teach their children to listen and speak.”

100 Black Men of Indianapolis (Dec.13-19)
“100 Black Men of Indianapolis, Inc is a 501(c)(3) youth development organization that was founded in 1984 and serves more than 700 Indianapolis youth each year through mentoring-based educational programs.”

United Negro College Fund (UNCF) (Dec. 20-25)
UNCF is the nation’s largest and most effective minority education organization.
Since its founding in 1944, UNCF has raised more than $4.5 billion to help more than 400,000 students receive college degrees at UNCF-member institutions and with UNCF scholarships.

Over the past year I’ve learned so much about these organizations and how they impact communities on a local and national level.

Here is where you come in: For every comment posted on ClassyCurlies.com and every Instagram (@ClassyCurlies) follow during the weeks mentioned above, I will donate $1 to that organization during its spotlight week. By Dec. 25, you all will have helped make a difference to four organizations that help our youth succeed.

It only takes one comment or follow, but you can comment on any post on the site and truly help support today’s youth. Feel free to comment more than once and tell friends and family to comment and follow @ClassyCurlies on Instagram. You may also comment for several weeks which will help corresponding organizations.

I’m really excited about this and I hope you all participate! Also, this post can be commented on as well 🙂
