Name: Chantel Peterson 
Social Media names: @POPchanny(twitter) @_POPchanny (IG)
Hair Type: idk!!? Lol
URL( if any):

What gave you the inspiration to begin division Elite(dE)?
Honestly, one night during midterms I was so tired of studying and stressing over school. I have always been a writer and I always loved to tell people stories and what’s happening around us. I also love to support people so I said to a chapter Soror, “I think I’m going to make a blog” and three days later (5 hours of sleep total) there it was, up and ready for the public! 
Do you have a background in Journalism or Writing?
Yes! My mom is a writer. That’s maybe where I get it. But I knew since a child that I wanted to write. I entered countless contests and things of that sort. In middle school it was already in my mind that I wanted to go to school for writing. Junior year of I high school I visited schools for the best journalism program (in my budget) and I continued my journey at Clarion university.
Explain the mission of division Elite(dE)
“divisionELITE is a site dedicated to entertainment, including but not limited to music, arts, and sports. We strive to stay away from gossip. We present to you “Infotainment”. We stand behind empowerment and recognition of positivity in the community, and for the better good.

Our goal is to support local, upcoming, and relevant news and figures; and to adjust the industry’s view of bloggers from a negative connotation to positive. “We strive to dish out the best, and nothing less.” 

So basically we serve as a liaison between the public and the other side of media in a civil and respectable manner. We so strive to make a difference. We did a clothes drive for Christmas, fundraiser for a family In need and many other things. Lastly we believe local support is very important we make sure we pay as much attention to what we call the freshman class (up and coming artists) as we do the mainstream artists. 

At the rank of importance, how much is dE important to you?

DivisionELITE is my baby! Like after GOD, my family, and AKA, there lies DivisionELITE! It’s really huge to me! I didn’t expect it to still be up and running but I have invested so much time money and energy into, it’s MINE and it keeps me productive and in tune with what’s going on. 
How much time do you spend dedicated to dE? 
Man! I spend a lot of time! Like I’m forever thinking of new ideas for the site and then trying to execute. We did a few video series for our love and bullshit column. I did a few hip hop segments. Since we do more than the traditional “new music and Entertainment news” posts I spend time trying to diversify the site to satisfy everyone’s needs and its like a full time job and I don’t mind not getting paid because this is what I LOVE to do. 
What are your hopes for the future pertaining to dE?
I see a lot going for divisionELITE. We are working on sponsors and interviews with bigger named people right now. We are very close! But I want to be more than a Pittsburgh based blog. I want people ALL over to come to my site for their updates and daily reading. 
How long have you been natural?
I have been natural since 8th grade. So about 8 years! 
Why did you go natural?     
Well my mom wouldn’t allow me to get a relaxer I tricked her into letting me get one and little did I know the maintenance it required to keep my hair healthy. Sad to say it broke all off! My hair was so long and healthy prior to my relaxer and then there I was, the bald head skiddle diddle! From the day my mom made me cut all of my hair off to be even with the back which had broken off extremely bad I told her I just want to let that chemical crap grow out and ill rock my own hair the way God intended it to be. From that day to this one I am so thankful for my full thick hard to manage head of natural hair. 

A short regimen you can share    
Regular trims, proper moisture, co wash!             
What are some of your favorite styles?     
I like it big! I like Bantu knots, I like twist outs, French braids!
What is your most favorite and least thing about being natural?    
My favorite thing is that when its not flat ironed I don’t even have to worry about the rain! LOL! All of my friends are like “my hairrrrr it’s raining” I’m like “shoot I don’t even care” my least favorite thing is when it is straightened and then I go outside and then my wrap is like “sike I want to fuzzy”!       
What is one piece of advice that all women should have(pertaining to confidence)? 
Ladies, confidence is BEAUTIFUL! More beautiful than a bag! More beautiful than any guy on your shoulder. There is always going to be someone somewhere who doesn’t agree with the way you do your hair or how you dress, shoot, even the way you praise your God. The key isn’t pleasing them the key is pleasing yourself! Once you know you’re the shxt no one can tell you anything! Go confidentially in all that you do! 
What natural hair bloggers/vloggers inspire you?    
One of my sorority sisters, Shanese Crosson who runs a YouTube channel, Natural Couture Curls, one of my friends Kayla (@curleyChaos) 
Do you have any advice on going natural?           

Just do it! Don’t second guess yourself! Don’t weigh the pros and cons of being nappy and or whatever your excuse may be! Just do it and embrace what is rightfully yours! 
