Hey Curlies,

Here is another gorgeous lady with beautiful ringlets!

Name: Mai H
Social Media Names:  Maicurls
Hair Type:       3C/4A


How long have you been natural?:     
I decided to stop relaxing my hair by mid 2009 and by the end of 2010 I had my natural curls. I did not big chop I would just trim my ends off as my hair grew.

Why did you go natural?:        
I just got tired of my brittle, thin, dry and damaged relaxed hair. My hair would go through phases of reaching shoulder length and then breaking off to different levels. I got to a point where I had to admit that I was not taking proper care of my relaxed and dyed hair and needed to try and grow my natural hair.

A short regimen you can share:         
My routine starts off with my wash day:
  • Cleanse
  • Detangle
  • Deep Condition ( I make my 3 different DIY DC’s that I use depending on what my hair needs)

I moisturize my hair everyday with my DIY leave-in conditioner (cream or spray) and seal my hair with my DIY sealing oil every day.

What are some of your favorite products?:   
There are 4 main things I can not do without. My detangling/co-wash conditioner, DIY leave-in conditioner, water and deep conditioner.

What are some of your favorite styles?:        
My guilty pleasure: Wash-n-Go. When I am being “sensible”: Buns or Twists and when I want to be fun: Twist-outs or Braid-outs.

What is your most favorite and least thing about being natural?:    
I love the fact that I can switch up a look just by pining it up, letting it lose or setting it over night! I love the beach but my hair does not love the salty sea water and I somehow end up with half the beach’s sand in my hair!

What is one piece of advice that all women should have(pertaining to confidence)?:         
Be yourself. Love your hair the way it is. There is only one person who needs to be happy with your hair and that it YOU! There is no style, no ‘curl type’ or curl texture that will make every single person you cross in life say “Oh that is pretty”…you can’t please everyone and that should not be your aim. You need to be happy regardless of what others say…even if it sounds “selfish”.

What natural hair bloggers/vloggers inspire you?:   
There are tons! When I was finally learning about how to take care of my hair properly (which did not happen until 2011) I found the internet so helpful! heyfranhey, Naptural85, SunKissAlba, NaturalNeiicey, Curly Proverbz to name a few. I also found online forums and blogs!

Do you have any advice on going natural?:   
Do research, ask questions, get onto forums, and watch YouTube video and just do loads of reading. Keep in mind the research is for you to have a general understanding what you really need to know is YOUR hair. We all have fingerprints but no two people have the same finger prints and I believe the same goes for our hair. While two people might have curly hair that have similar curl patterns, thickness, etc does not mean if you use the exact same products you will get the same results. So after you have done your research you need to then find out what works for you. A part from knowing your hair I think patience is another important point. It will take time till you know what your hair needs, likes and wants but it is not mission impossible just mission patience.
