Hey Curlies,

Outside of hair and beauty care, I love to update you all on what’s going on in other parts of my life. So in my last “Life Update” I talked about being on a health kick and shared with you all a few of the health books I’ve been reading.

Well for Christmas I got a Fitbit Flex (a fitness tracker that tracks your sleep, steps, calories..etc) and let me tell you…I’m obsessed! Haha. In the past, when it has come to exercise I’ve never been lazy, I just hadn’t figured out a steady routine (sounds lazy, right?). I’ve always eaten really well and has been referred to as a “health freak” by my family but I’ve really taken this to a whole new level.

This little device is so motivating. Trust me! And if you’re thinking “Maybe she’s been paid to say that” you’re wrong. If you’ve been reading this blog long enough, you know me better than that. Haha.

Not only have I established a steady workout routine, but it’s almost like having a set of cheerleaders in your pocket while you work out. You can challenge friends to exercise and more. The first day I was only walking about 3,000 steps.

Anywho..enough of that. Bottom line is I have been working my butt off in the gym. I strength train,  run (well learning to run faster) haha and participate in group fitness classes and I honestly have never felt better!

Outside of fitness, I’ve also been working on partnering with a few companies to bring you all great giveaways, content and more!

Also I got a promotion at work! I went from staff writer to newsroom manager. How cool is that? Check out my latest story on Colorism here. It’s very interesting!

Be back soon!
