Hey Curlies,

I finally took down my mini twists. They were in for 4 weeks exactly which was the longest time I’ve ever kept them in. I have to say that this time, my experience with mini twists was very different. 

I hardly experienced any dandruff or itchy scalp. I think this was because of my constant use of coconut oil on my scalp at night. I also noticed that although my roots were puffy, my actual twists still looked decent.

Moving on…

It took me about an hour to take the twists down and then without detangling, I prepooed overnight with:

  • TRESemme Naturals Conditioner (length of my hair)
  • Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (on my scalp)
The next morning I detangled with a wide toothed comb. I had a good amount of shed hair while detangling. I shouldn’t have expected anything else since I hadn’t used a comb in over 4 weeks. Hair sheds about 100+ hairs a day and I hadn’t combed mine in over 4 weeks. I’m not going to even try to do the math…

I washed with African Pride’s Shea Butter Miracle Detangling Shampoo and conditioned using Aubrey Organics GPB conditioner. I did not deep condition since I prepooed overnight.
I wrapped my hair in a towel for about 20 minutes and then proceeded to detangle my hair. I used Mane n Tail Detangler, APHogee Leave in Conditioner and ORI Moisturizing Leave In Conditioner.

From there I began banding my hair. This is a technique I use on wet hair when I want to stretch out my hair.

This technique prevents the hair from shrinking due to the placement of the ponytail holders. Tomorrow I plan on styling my hair after my hair has completely dried. I have this really cute style idea. I will update you all soon!