Hey Curlies,

If you love to read, like myself, and are interested in learning more about natural hair and hair in general, I have a few books to add to your book list if you haven’t read them already.

Thank God I’m Natural


This was one of the first books that I read that pertained to natural hair. The author, Ms. Chris-Tia Donaldson, explains her journey to natural hair as well as giving lots of tips on transitoning. I read this entire book in about 3 hours. It was a really good read. If you would like to know more about the author,check out her ClassyCurly profile here.

Ultra Black Hair Growth II


This was the second book that I read that pertained to hair. This book talks discussed hair growth in general, not just natural hair. This book gives step by step instructions on developing a hair regimen and processes.

The Science of Black Hair


Now this book is by far one of my favorites. This book literally has hair down to a science and really opened my eyes to a lot of things. This book discussed every topic under the sun. From relaxed, to natural to color and conditioning.

Curly Like Me


The first time I discovered this book was through an app on my phone, and then I got a little more detail on it from one of the curlies on Twitter. I did not read this book word for word, but it is a pretty nice book. It goes into lots of detail on hair typing and tips for caring for naturally curly hair. I will say that this book shows lots of different women with all kinds of hair types, from loose waves to the most kinkiest hair. This book shows no discrimination.

Get to reading curlies!

Victoria Davis(@ClassyCurlies)
