Hey Curlies,

This week’s style was a braidout and since today is Thursday, it lasted about three days before the humidity attacked my hair. Let me tell you, it’s been 90 degrees every.single.day. since Sunday and my hair is suffering. (Be sure to read all the way to the end!)

Today and I’ve just decided to embrace it and wear a big fro.

Before my fro…

I created about 8 braids on damp hair using shea butter and coconut oil.

The unravel

Separated and fluffed

braidout on natural hair

natural hair braid out

Beside my hairstyle, I wanted to share with you all a special announcement that I’m REALLY excited about. If you have a Periscope account, (if not please get one) I will give my big announcement live on Periscope on Monday, September 7 (Labor Day) at 8 p.m. where you’ll find  me @ClassyCurlies. See ya then!
