Hey Curlies,

If you’ve been with me for a while, I’ve done many roller sets on my hair. I wanted to share a few roller set products with you that I use.

Jane Carter Solution Wrap & Roll

Great Products for Roller Sets
This product can be used for roller sets, curlformer sets and use right before wrapping your hair. I have also heard of others using this product for twistouts, braidouts, and as a styler.

This can be purchased at Target, Whole Foods, The Vitamin Shoppe and some TJ Maxx Stores.

Nubian Heritage Heat Protectant Keratin Wrap Mousse 

Great Products for Roller Sets

This product is also used to set hair during roller sets and smoothing. My roller sets always come out really smooth with this product. This product also contains ingredients like shea butter, macadamia, honey and black seed oil.

This product can be purchased at Walgreens.

Lottabody Setting Lotion

This product is great if you are looking for very soft and shiny curls.  This product has also been noted not to leave hair crunchy.
Great Products for Roller Sets

This product can be purchased at any beauty supply store, some WalMart stores and Sally’s Beauty Supply.
