Hey Curlies,

I co-washed my hair with the As I Am Coconut Cowash for the first time. I’d been hearing about it for a while and finally got my hands on some a few months ago. I will have a review very soon. This is my hair before washing.

I remember when my hair touched my nose

Here are the products I used:

  • As I Am Coconut Cowash
  • Black Tea
  • Organic Root Stimulator’s Replenishing Conditioner (DC)
Yes..I used black tea! lol. I’ve been hearing good things about tea rinsing and so I tried it along with my regular routine. I will have an update on this and more information soon. I then used ORS Replenishing Conditioner as a deep conditioner. If you take hair extensions cost into consideration, if you use them, this natural look can be achieved with these products instead.
Honestly, I’m not sure what my next style will be lol. 
Don’t forget to enter the latest giveaway: OBI Natural Hair Care
