Hey Curlies,

My mini twists are back and they will be for the next 6 weeks! I plan on redoing these twists after the first three weeks. I actually got my hair finished in one day, but I had some assistance. One of my friends wanted to help me so I figured why not? lol I started off twisting by myself for about an hour and then I had help the rest of the way, thank God! lol

Here are the finished results. I am really pleased with how they come out.

Back view

Just getting started

First section done

All done-side view

The next morning

Length is showing!

Did I mention that I started twisting at midnight? NEVER again lol

Anyway, I washed and blew out my hair (click here for routine and products) and the I only used pure Shea butter to twist. I then added a little tea tree oil to my scalp afterward. 

I wrapped my twists at night as if I was wrapping relaxed hair. I used bobby pins and then applied a scarf. This is how I keep my twist stretched.

Any questions?? Ask a way! I love talking to you all! Classycurlies@gmail.com or comment below!

