Hey Curlies,

As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve truly transformed the way I eat. I’ve always been a healthy eater (in fact, my dad makes fun of me for it lol) but I’ve really gone off the deep end as of lately.

The biggest change to my diet involves consuming less meat. I maybe eat meat twice a week and I’ve noticed the difference in my body and overall how I feel.


Living in a home with a meat eater (my boyfriend) can be difficult when it comes to dinner time. I try to make meals where I can quickly add in meat for him and omit it for me.

I bet you’re like…so what do you eat?! lol

To help with dinner time, I began ordering from Green Chef.

Green Chef is a weekly, all-organic food kit that you can have delivered once a week. You choose which type of meals you would like to prepare and they send you all of the ingredients to make three dishes.

I chose the vegan kit and I was thoroughly impressed with my first few boxes. The food has been tasty, very easy to make with step-by-step instructions, and fresh (plus the portions are large – I usually take some to lunch the next day).

The box comes with a bunch of ice packs to keep your ingredients cold and each item comes individually wrapped. They also have colored labels to match recipe cards for easy gathering before cooking.

I’ve been able to try tons of foods I’ve never would’ve thought to buy at the grocery store and I have tons of recipe cards for later.

Now, I’m going to be honest. This kit can get a little expensive, so I like the option of being able to skip weeks. In fact, I’ve skipped two just because I wasn’t a fan of the menu that week.

Overall, I’ve loved my Green Chef experience and will probably continue using the service at least twice out of the month.

If you’re interested in ordering your own kit, here is a link for a free kit.

Feel free to browse through more photos at the bottom of this post. I have more foods I’ve made over the past week.

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