As a parent, you want to do whatever you can to help your family live healthy lives. Unfortunately, despite your best efforts, conflicting advice and a general lack of guidance can often see you shooting blind when it comes to what’s actually good for young bodies. This can be incredibly frustrating, but it’s luckily not an issue that you need to put up with for any longer.

In fact, by recognizing the hidden harm of your child’s so-called healthy lifestyle, you can far better understand what they need, when they need it, and how best you can provide those essentials. All you need to do is consider the following often surprising reasons why your efforts so far might not have provided the outcomes you hoped for.

Reason 1: The wrong family doctor

Your children’s doctor should be a pretty safe bet for health, but the sad reality is that medical malpractice is a serious issue in modern medicine. In fact, there are doctors out there who either miss clear symptoms, misdiagnose issues, or too easily reach for medication without uncovering underlying causes. If you fear your children have been hurt as a result of these issues, then it’s essential to contact a medical malpractice attorney as soon as possible. However, if you have a more general problem with either a doctor’s manner or approach, then it’s always worth seeking someone who better meets the needs of your family.

Reason 2: Dietary misunderstandings

It’s natural to assume that a healthy meal for you will also classify as a healthy choice for your children. Unfortunately, young bodies have very different needs, meaning that your low-fat, salad-heavy meals might not be quite as good as you’d hoped. Children especially require full-fat dairy options to ensure they get everything they need, while many experts also believe that children can benefit from at least one carb per meal, etc to ensure adequate energy levels. This doesn’t mean that you need to entirely undo your meal plans, but it does highlight the need to think about buying a few extras, or just some full-fat options, for your kids’ meals until they’re older. 

Reason 3: Pushing physicality too far

Every parent knows that exercise, either through sports or specific focuses like child yoga, is crucial for healthy development. However, what fewer parents realize is that pushing children too far can put their bodies under significant strain, as well as leaving them reluctant to exercise on their own when they’re a little older. Instead, it’s important to keep physical sessions fun and relatively short, with most recommendations stating a limit of 60 minutes before at least assessing how your kids are doing, and whether they could benefit from stopping. 

The struggle of raising a healthy family can leave a lot of stress on your shoulders, especially if things aren’t working out how you had planned. However, addressing these harmful issues that hide under the guise of healthy living could be all it takes to see you turning things around at last! 
