Hey Curlies,

I had a great time in the Bahamas,but now it’s back to work. If you guys haven’t seen my Big Chop anniversary video (here) you should check it out.

All About Hair..

The entire trip I wore my hair in small twists and by the end of the trip they had shrunken so much! It became a tangled mess. This was my routine:

  • Washed my hair everyday I spent in the water with Mill Creek Biotin Shampoo. I diluted the shampoo in a separate bottle using water.
  • Conditioned using Twisted Sista De-Frizz Conditioner
  • Leave in: Jane Carter Leave in Conditioner
I just let them air dry. That’s when the shrinkage came. I tried to keep it simple. When I did get home, I detangled with lots of Shea Moisture Purficiation Masque and a cheap detangler from Target. I washed with U R CURLY Soya Shampoo and conditioned with  Lush American Cream Conditioner.
During the entire trip I didn’t get a chance to deep condition so I had to make up for lost time. I deep conditioned overnight with Amika Olive Oil Mask and Ampro Vitamin E Oil.
Just for Fun…

On the trip I got mistaken for a 15-17 year old so many times! I guess it’s a compliment, but it got annoying when I tried to go into the casino lol
Trying to win…
Inside of the boat

 I ate so much food on that boat! Buffet style was calling my name.

The food was great!

Relaxing by the pool

 I have more pictures of when I went snorkeling, but they’re on another camera
