Hey Curlies!

So today I gave my hair a little extra TLC. I am now calling this my “Winter Moisture Treatment.” Since it is so cold out, and snowing like crazy, my hair and scalp has been so dry lately. Here is what I did to rejuvenate my tresses.

  • I did an oil rinse on my hair using the oil I normally use to do a hot oil treatment. With the olive oil I first used it on my entire head and then after rinsing I sectioned my hair into two. I applied the oil to both sections then rinsed.
  • Next I cowashed with Aussie Moist.
  • Today I used a new deep conditioner just because I was curious. I used Palmer’s Coconut oil protein pack. I really liked this conditioner. (Product review soon to come.) I left it on for about an hour and a half.
I will probably do this routine every couple of months just to “up”the moisture. The reason this routine is different from normal is because I did an oil rinse and used a new protein deep conditioner.