Hey Curlies,

As the holidays are just days away, many of us may be packing overnight bags to stay at family and friend’s homes for gatherings. Some are even taking vacations around this time. While you may have your holiday checklist taken care of– the gifts and the the advice on how to deal with your family – this isn’t a time to neglect your own hair. I have a few quick curly hair care tips to keep in mind while holiday traveling

Prepare ahead: A day or two before your travels think of a hair style you can wear that will require low maintenance if you don’t plan on dealing with you hair. Instal twists or braids beforehand. If it isn’t one of the two mentioned previously, things can still work in your favor. Whatever you choose, stick with it.

Pack lightly: Instead of lugging around your entire hair care stash, opt for smaller, trial-sized items. Check your local drugstore or Target to purchase small-sized conditioners, shampoos and stylers if you plan to actually “do” your hair while away from home. If you can’t find your favorite products in trial sizes, purchase empty petite bottles and fill your favorite products with them. Also, only bring what you need.

Don’t forget the necessities: No matter if you sleep with a head scarf, satin or silk pillowcase or bonnet, be sure to remember these items. They are indeed your friends and will keep your hair in tip top shape while enjoying your company. Necessities also include hair ties and stretch headbands. These can be used in emergency situations if you choose to put your hair up.
