Everyone experiences stress, fear, and anxiety from time to time. These feelings can help challenge situations—they can help you focus and give you the energy you need to deal with a difficult situation or challenge. However, anxiety is no longer helpful when it feels out of control and interferes with your daily life. Instead, it becomes unhelpful and maybe even harmful. In this blog post, we will be exploring some practical ways to reduce anxiety. Since everyone experiences stress, fear, and anxiety at various points in life, below we’ll cover 10 strategies that have been scientifically proven to assist in reducing the amount of stress you experience on a day-to-day basis.

Stay in the moment

Staying in the present moment can be highly effective in reducing anxiety. When we are anxious, we tend to become overwhelmed about what will happen in the future—fear, worry, and over-imagination can result in catastrophic thinking. This can be especially true for people with an anxiety disorder. When you are feeling anxious, try practicing mindfulness. Mindfulness is being fully present in your moment-to-moment experience without evaluation or judgment. Practicing mindfulness can help you stay in the moment and reduce the overwhelming feelings anxiety often brings.

Exercise daily

Numerous studies have shown regular exercise as effective as medication in treating anxiety disorders. In fact, research has shown that people who exercise report fewer feelings of anxiety and are more likely to be re-diagnosed. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins which help you to reduce stress and feel happier. Exercise also helps to boost self-confidence and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. Exercise is also an excellent form of self-care that can significantly assist in reducing anxiety. If you are feeling anxious or depressed, do not hesitate to talk to your doctor about the benefits of exercise.

Improve your diet

Eating a well-balanced diet rich in nutrients can help boost energy and mood and reduce anxiety. When we are stressed and anxious, we tend to crave foods high in fat and sugar—this can worsen anxiety and make it more difficult to calm down. When you are experiencing feelings of stress or anxiety, try to avoid eating sugary and high-fat foods. Instead, opt for foods that contain healthy fats and plenty of nutrients. Bananas, avocados, kale, almonds, and blueberries are just a few examples of healthy foods that can assist in boosting mood.

Talk to people

When we feel anxious, we tend to withdraw from society, making us feel more anxious. Feeling alone or isolated can worsen feelings of anxiety. To help reduce your anxiety, try to stay connected by talking to friends and family. Talking to people can be a great way to release pent-up feelings and re-energize your mood.

Use cannabinoids

CBD reacts with the body’s receptors in the central nervous system. There have been many studies on the effects of CBD and cannabinoids on the body. One study found that over 66% of participants reported improved sleep and reduced anxiety after one month of using CBD. There are many different ways you can use CBD. It is available as an oil, gummies, drinks, products, or in a vape like Cloud Cover


Anxiety can be a very distressing experience, but it is possible to reduce and manage the feelings of anxiety that you experience. The strategies we have explored in this article will help you better deal with the physical and psychological effects of anxiety so that you can live your best life. Now is the time to be proactive and put these strategies into action. Your future self will thank you! If you are experiencing anxiety symptoms, it is essential to seek help. Anxiety disorders can be treated effectively, so there is no reason to suffer in silence. In fact, seeking treatment for anxiety has been shown to reduce the risk of developing a long-term anxiety disorder by up to 50%.
