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Victoria Smith is the founder of She's a creative at heart who inspires women to be the best version of themselves through DIY, clean beauty, and wellness content.

Curly Conversations Episode 5: Natural Hair in Africa v America

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Hey Curlies, Although we’re only five episodes in, I think this week’s episode of Curly Conversations was definitely one of my favorites. In this week’s episode titled: “Black Hair in America v. Africa,” we chatted with Emily Wasonga, a native to Kenya and local business owner about her perspective of natural hair. UPDATE: You can now find all episodes of…


What’s the Difference? Natural Hair Relaxer or Texturizer

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Hey Curlies, I get questions all of the time about products out on the market, specifically natural hair relaxers and texturizers. People constantly want to know the difference between a hair relaxer and a texturizer. While I personally don’t support either of these methods of hair straightening, you deserve to educate yourself. I feel “teacher mode” coming on…let’s break it…
