Making fresh food part of your diet is a must if you want to upgrade your beauty routine. A lot of women who experience dry hair, wrinkled skin and a slew of other health problems are eating the wrong foods.
While, I’m not a health practitioner, I do take my diet pretty seriously 90 percent of the time. Most of the time I like to choose plant-based and local foods. This is why I love taking trips to the local farmers market. In my case, I normally visit the Carmel Farmers’ Market.
I love buying anything local, and this includes food.
Here are some of my usual items I like to pick up:
First up, I always grab freshly steeped tea from Aahaa Chai. I usually grab an iced tea to sip on while I’m walking the market. This is my favorite tea that I take to go. A home, I make my own iced tea.Typically, I buy some sort of plant. My boyfriend says I’m not allowed to bring anymore home. Haha. However, this picture has another memory embedded within it. During a trip to Vegas, I found this “toothache plant” in a drink I ordered at the Cosmopolitan. Apparently, its great for changing the flavor of your drink (and curing toothaches). Who knew?! Next, I usually check out whatever fruits and vegetables are in season.I love to keep fresh flowers around my home during the spring and summer. Every now and then I’ll grab a bottle of wine from a local winery too.During this time, I picked up some pie for my boyfriend, some veggies for smoothies and salads and meats for dinner. Becker Farms always has local, quality meat.
At the end of the day, shopping local is important — especially when it comes to food. When what you eat is grown in your community, it has a more positive impact on the environment and is less likely to contain harmful ingredients.
Victoria Smith is the founder of She's a creative at heart who inspires women to be the best version of themselves through DIY, clean beauty, and wellness content.