Hey Curlies,

I often flashback to when I was a kid sitting on the floor getting my hair “greased”. I had really no idea what this did for my hair, but I knew that it was necessary in my mother’s opinion. What I did love was how it felt. I often couldn’t wait for these times because the cold “grease” on my scalp was so satisfying.

As an adult, I now know those sessions were required because my scalp was dry. Some people don’t need to apply oils to their scalp, because their’s produces enough sebum – mine doesn’t.

For all of those like me who suffer from dry scalp, this episode of Curly Conversations is for you. We chat about the variety of oils you can use in your curly hair regimen, and the best way to apply them.

Listen to Part 1:

Don’t forget to subscribe to Curly Conversations podcast  on iTunes, Soundcloud and Google Play so you never miss an episode.

Listen to Part 2:

See ya in next week’s episode!

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