Hey Curlies,

Like many of you, I’m a super busy person. I work full time at a TV station and I also run a business – ClassyCurlies.

When I’m not at work, I’m planning events, writing content, on social media, producing a podcast or involved in community events.

There are many times people say, “I can’t keep up with you,” because I’m just that busy. With being busy and holding responsibilities comes stress.

It’s rare that I become overwhelmed (because I’m learning to say “no”), but every now and then, I find myself in this space.

I’ve figured out some ways I destress, and I wanted to share them in hopes it will help you too.

Here are four ways I relax when I’m super stressed:

1. Practice yoga or meditation
Yoga has found a special place in my heart over the past year. In a previous post, I talked about a time I experienced true anxiety (you can read all about that here). During that time, I found yoga to be the cure. Sure, I’m not perfect at it, but it forces me to go into a silent room alone, while stretching and taking my mind off the day’s stresses.

2. A cup of tea
This probably sounds silly, but in my book, a cup of tea can cure any bad mood I may be in. I’ve played around with a few different ones (you can see my favorites here), but I mostly stick with herbal teas. It’s just something about a warm cup of tea that calms me down.

3. Treating my self to the spa
This is still on my to-do list from December, but no matter how I’m feeling, I try to treat myself to one spa day a year. That could mean simply a facial, massage or pedicure.

4. Grabbing a good book
I haven’t found the time to do this in quite a while, but I love to read, and maybe you do too. Once I find a good book, it is so hard for me to put it down. I seem to get trapped in the character’s experiences and their world. It’s a great way for me to put down my own stresses for a while.

We all have our own coping mechanisms to dealing with stress.

What are some of your favorite ways to relax? Share them in the comment section below. 

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