While we encourage you to embrace your natural hair texture, we know there are ladies out there that are looking for tips on how to care for their relaxed hair.

Just like color-treated hair, relaxed hair undergoes some form of controlled damage in the process of chemical application. It, therefore, needs extra care and attention to remain healthy throughout the year. Fortunately, there are a few steps that you can follow to ensure that your relaxed hair remains healthy, even in the extremely hot or cold months.

1.     Have a Professional Apply Your Relaxer

Although applying your relaxer at home may seem like the simpler and more affordable option, it is always advisable to have your chemical applications done by a professional. Ensure that you look for recommendations from friends and family or visit various salons and try several options until you can find a professional who meets your needs.

Once you find a skilled and trustworthy professional, they can advise you on the best relaxer option for your hair type and the type of trims that will flatter your face.

2.     Wash Your Hair Regularly

Your wash routine can either make or break your relaxed hair. Ensure that you wash your hair regularly and use the best shampoo for permed hair you can afford. Regular washing helps remove excess hair products, oil, and sebum that may damage your hair. Leaving excessive hair products in your hair can lead to dryness, especially if they are silicone-based.

Additionally, ensure that you deep condition your hair as often as you can. Conditioning helps to replace the oils and moisture stripped down from your hair after relaxing it. Ensure that you follow each shampoo wash with a rinse-out conditioner and deep condition two to four times a month, depending on your hair’s needs. If you’re looking for a plant-based conditioner, try the one from Make It Classy.

3.     Opt for Low Heat or No Heat Styling

Like natural hair, relaxed hair needs protection from excessive heat to remain healthy and strong. Although curling irons and flat irons are very convenient, using them daily will cause your hair to become dry and damaged. It is okay to use these tools occasionally, but make a habit of opting for no-heat styling options when you can.

Examples of styling techniques that do not require excessive heat application include; wrapping, curl formers, Flexi-rods, wet sets, and satin-covered rollers. You may also try hairstyles that do not require that your ends are curly or bumped, such as braids, buns, and up-dos.

4.     Wrap Your Hair at Night

Wrapping your hair at night helps to protect your delicate locks as you sleep. It also helps to save the time that you use to style your hair in the morning. Adding extra protection from a silk pillowcase or hair cover is very beneficial.

Molding your hair into the shape of your head can help to preserve its volume and body. This practice will go a long way in making your hair low maintenance and requiring little or no heat for styling.

Maintaining relaxed hair is not an easy task. However, with the above tips, you should be able to keep your permed hair healthy and in good shape throughout the year.
